Sunday, January 22, 2012
test 3
BroadCam - BroadCam
BroadCam | Information Setup Page |
v 2.01 © NCH Software |
Your Video Stream LinksThis page contains the video links necessary for viewers to watch streaming video from BroadCam.
You are currently using the free version of this software. If you want to use it you must either:
- Purchase a "Professional" version at; or,
- Include the following link on every page that links to BroadWave.
Video Streamed by the <a href="">BroadCam Live Video Streaming Software</a> by <a href="">NCH Software</a>.
Friday, March 18, 2011
test 2
Monday, February 14, 2011
Windows Media Video streams:
BroadCam Video Streaming Server Live 1JPG-image streams:
BroadCam Video Streaming Server Live 1Video Streamed by the BroadCam Live Video Streaming Software by NCH Software
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Fake healthy jargon
Sunday, June 14, 2009
No wonder theres nothing good on tv
I am surprised about some of the idiotic tv shows that stay on the air. There's nothing like saying "I have no life whatsoever" like watching someone else's life on tv.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
I don't do Hooah
Well Army Basic was fun. Time for the tech school part. Haven't blogged in for ever but oh well
Friday, January 09, 2009
If I hear the word "change" one more time I am going to kill someone
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Obama can't be president either
Lets see his name is Barack Obama, thats too close to Osama. Barack Obama Hussein... Hussein, seriously?!?! Lets also tack on he was raised a Muslim. How many more red flags do you need?!?!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008
The safe guarantee
I have seen those commercials that guarantee their gas is good. So good in fact that if damage to your car was done by their gas (and verified by a mechanic) they will do (insert anything here).
Fresh fuel CAN NOT hurt your car. This is an empty promise cause no mechanic will EVER prove that the new good fuel damaged your engine.
Fresh fuel CAN NOT hurt your car. This is an empty promise cause no mechanic will EVER prove that the new good fuel damaged your engine.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Todays pondering
Are the AIDS help groups in which their main goal is to find marriage/sex partners that also have AIDS so they won't infect other people?