I have 2 blogs. One is random thoughts (but is mostly dead thanks to twitter), the other is photography. I have been an on/off photographer for 9+ years.
This is my compilation of photos I have taken throughout my travels. These are the lower resolution of the originals (Which are a huge 3456 x 2304 pixel size). Also in no way shape or form am I associated with softerimage.com Partly cause of legal reasons but mainly cause his(?) pictures are mostly bad.
This page contains the video links necessary for viewers to watch streaming video from BroadCam.
Adding BroadCam links to your website: To add these links to your web page, copy the code below and paste it into the html of the page you want the link on. If you are not sure how to do this, we recommend asking your website developer for assistance.
HTML code: <a href="">BroadCam Video Streaming Server Live 1</a>
Warning: Because your computer is on a private network you must setup your router and enter the known host details for the links to work properly from a public IP.
Upgrade BroadCam
You are currently using the free version of this software.
In order to legally use BroadCam you must either:
Upgrade Upgrade your version to BroadCam Professional. You can upgrade here
Add a link to NCH Software Include the following link on every web page that links to a BroadCam video stream:
Include the following link on every page that links to BroadWave. Video Streamed by the <a href="http://www.nchsoftware.com/broadcam/index.html">BroadCam Live Video Streaming Software</a> by <a href="http://www.nch.com.au/index.html">NCH Software</a>.
If you include the text on every referring page, you can continue to use BroadCam free. Ask your web designer to do this for you. The links must be accurate. Any attempt to get round the intention of this requirement is a breach of the software license terms and will be prosecuted.