Random musings of the "off" guy

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

People new to motorcycles

Cars are not motorcycles. All day I hear people wanting a motorcycle but not a slow one so they want a liter bike (1000cc). These people will crash and might die and here is why. Available now there are 4 types of bikes. There slow but fun 250 cc. Funny, because when I say slow I mean this motorcycle will beat about 70% of all stock cars on the road yet costs tons less. There is the fast 600cc the will beat 98% of all stock cars. The liter bike that will out run 99% of cars. And lastly there is the Busa which is around 1.3 liters. 1000cc and higher motorcycles are extremely fast and unforgiving. Make the slightest mistake and your bike will flip or slide out from under you sending you across the road on your back, perhaps into incoming traffic. When I say slightest I mean a slight bump twists your accelerator a mere 10 degrees. Get the bike if you want but expect to be passed by others on 600cc or smaller bikes going around corners. This is a plea for you, get an old 600cc (1999 model or older) or a brand new 250 (they are $3,000 brand new and they retain their value very well). I say old because they will not kill you 1st mistake and the 1st 6 months you will (95% probability) drop your bike on accident. I did it and I had an old beater so I didn't care. 600 cc motorcycles are FAST!!! You do not jump into the ocean on your 1st swimming lesson, you do not diffuse a real bomb 1st time in SWAT and you do not go above 600cc when learning to ride a motorcycle. Sure you might survive but the odds are against you.
David 8:35 AM


two things:
1)thank you, as i may use this.
2) how do you KNOW this stuff?

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